Big Tent, Bigger Session
Our client needed help staging a unique opening experience for 1,000 attendees in a very large tent to kick off a global conference.
Using the tent setting as a jumping-off point, the Brella Team turned the interior of the tent into a 360-degree viewing space with a main 60-foot-wide screen and projected images onto all of the tent walls. The idea was to seamlessly blend projected visuals with an onstage performance to create an immersive experience that would leave the audience inspired.
On the day of the event, the experience started with a dark tent, which burst to life with a 360-degree video. In the video, a young girl brought imagination “to life” in the form of vibrant motion graphics that swirled around our audience. These visuals, along with voiceover and sound design, set a mood of playful anticipation. When the girl from the video appeared live onstage, she interacted with audience members from our client’s five corporate regions around the world. Using light effects and projected visuals, the girl helped each region “ignite” the spark of imagination to celebrate their achievements for the year. The lighting effects and visuals revealed the meeting’s theme, logo, and branding. The girl then closed the performance by welcoming onto the stage the leader of the meeting, kicking off the week.